Because they're delicious, addictive, surprising, memorable.

Friday, June 15, 2012

home again

6:30 am Thursday we left behind London--the theatre, the parks, the museums, the markets, the bakeries, the mature cheddar, the rain, the 2 bedroom flat, the tube, the double-decker buses, the 1000-year-old castles and cathedrals--checked our 8 large pieces of luggage (having prepaid the $160 for our 2 extra--grrr), hauled our 12 carry-ons (including 1 pink and lavender unicorn pillow pet), and, 19 hours, 4 movies, 3 meals, and 2 snacks later, landed, exhausted, in Salt Lake at 6:30 pm the same day. Around 8 pm (3 am Friday, London time) we came home to friendly neighbors, a green yard, blooming flowers, a charming front porch, a clean house (we think someone came in and dusted), food in our fridge (thanks, amazing neighbors), Christmas mugs, flannel sheets, peppermint soap, weeds in the flower beds, a swampy garbage bag mouldering under the kitchen sink, four bedrooms, and more bathrooms than I care to admit. Feels as though we've never left. In a few hours we'll be calling friends, making appointments, unpacking rain jackets and sweaters, assessing our summer wardrobes, filling the pantry, and pulling up weeds.

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