More than once I have glanced at the dashboard clock and inwardly groaned that despite waking up hours before and running ever since, there was no way I would arrive at my destination on time. This morning was a case in point:
7:38 reluctantly roll out of bed (not exactly early bird, but I climbed into bed after midnight, and require 8 hours per night to function properly)
-see the shower cleaner on the counter and ask myself whether cleaning the shower is necessary, and do I have time?
-spray glass, lower 1/3 of walls
-wash hands, make bed
-wipe down, rinse shower, clean self
-stand in closet for 5 minutes, knowing that I don't have 5 minutes and that staring at my clothes won't improve them
-dress in a black and white tweedy skirt and 3/4 sleeve black sweater, knee-highs, heels
-apply make-up, grab earrings, realize once downstairs that backs aren't attached. No time to run up and get earring backs
-greet children, ask if they've made lunch (knowing they haven't--I always do)
-While eating banana, grab granola bars, trail mix, peanut butter crackers from pantry, tell kids to choose 2-3.
-M asks what's for dessert. Allow them each Reeses pieces
-grab myself granola bar and gum (knowing that if I don't come home before class, won't have chance to brush teeth--yuck), work bag, run to car
-run inside for E's shoes
-drop off M, pick up A's friend, drop off A and friend at 8:42 (2 minutes late)
-head for church distribution to buy M's scriptures (turned 8 in early Sept., won't be baptised til November. Was reminded of need to buy scriptures when a student shared her excitement and anticipation re. getting her set when she turned 8. Hope M not too crushed at our oversight--imagine not).
-Arrive 8:49, store not open until 9:00--can't imagine what we'd do if we stay and wait.
-Remember car needs gas--go to nearby station
-Back at 8:58; other people waiting (such eagerness for church materials!)
-Buy scriptures, but embosser not here til 10:00--will have to return (Wonder, Does the embosser do anything besides emboss? How many hours is s/he employed? How did embosser become qualified for job?). Wish I'd known and saved a trip.
-Determine to go home instead of to Kohl's to return A's dress (N bought dress for her after determining that A and I weren't efficient dress shoppers. Grateful to be finished with task, I didn't complain re. cost or lack of versatility, but after A decided not to wear it Sunday--too Christmassy (sp?)--N suggested dress be returned. Later we found that Grandma had also bought A Christmas dress--sealed the deal). Will instead go home now and go to Kohl's when I have time to use $10 coupon recently removed from newspaper.
-9:20 return home, determined to leave in 10 minutes
-Brush teeth, put on earrings, use bathroom, ask E if she wants to use potty at home or school. E: "Home. Kids at school mean." Me: "Kids at school are mean?" E: "No, nice."
-Leave at 9:32, drop off E, drive to campus, arrive 9:47, think I'm in good time, remember I have to pick up copies
-At crosswalk see prof I think I know (but think that hundreds of profs look similar from behind, with white-gray hair and bald spot), talking with someone I don't know. Too self-conscious to dart past until through cross-walk
-Crossing campus, wish I had on slacks and flats instead of skirt and heels
-Wait for elevator, up 4 flights, down long hall, then return down 4 flights, 2 buildings away, down stairs
10:01 late again
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